By shroooms - 28/07/2011 20:37 - Slovenia

Today, my entire family, myself included, has been turned into a collective diarrhea fountain after going out to eat. We only have one bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 730
You deserved it 3 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheBrickWithouse 10

i have one word for you: buckets. Seriously though, FYL.

The visual image of a "diarrhea fountain" is quite vomit-inducing...


wriptidez 0

buy a house with 2 restrooms

I hope your family at least enjoyed the dinner before the "trots" started. My advice, some of you check into a hotel, get adjoining rooms, that way you can encourage each other on. Make it a contest, "See who can fill the bowl the fastest" The winner gets to be first in line for the return trip, the loser has to wait until everyone else has gone. You might as well try and make the best of this....

"A collective diarrhea fountain"... Wow, that was a beautiful metaphor, OP. Write a poem about the experience once you're finished.

bonbonscity 0

I feel a sitcom coming on...! :D

113- 105 did not fail because he was owning 102 so much that it cancelled out the fail.

isaac713 0

diarrhea fountain? thts new go outside im sure theres enough bushes for all yall

talensledge1 0

Since when did ppl use washers to clean their plates?

Well...I think I know where you aren't eating again(: