By shroooms - 28/07/2011 20:37 - Slovenia

Today, my entire family, myself included, has been turned into a collective diarrhea fountain after going out to eat. We only have one bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 727
You deserved it 3 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheBrickWithouse 10

i have one word for you: buckets. Seriously though, FYL.

The visual image of a "diarrhea fountain" is quite vomit-inducing...


I always get sick after eating taco bell! just referring from experience lol

im a pilot of small aircraft, and nothing is worse than finding out you have the sh*ts after taking off in a tiny 4 seater. my friend had the issue once, tg its never happend to me.

if I have to go to the bathroom and the toilets are in use I use the tub or bathroom sink. a family that ***** together... blah blah... using the washer is gross...

Ever hear of a DISH washer? Dumbass!

JurassicHole 5

I feel bad for that toilet...that's cruel.

Damn! FYL...And to those who think YDI, how so?