By blahppl14 - 27/12/2009 00:37 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 16/12/2009 06:15 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/03/2019 11:00 - United States - Rio Rancho
By Anonymous - 12/05/2016 07:32 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 20/06/2009 19:08 - United States
Fight your own battles
By Anonymous - 01/09/2011 07:07 - United Kingdom
By Loho - 25/03/2009 02:46 - Canada
Family portrait
By a816090 - 26/09/2019 16:00
By Kev - 20/08/2014 17:53 - United States - Flemington
By OhGreat - 30/04/2011 20:30 - United States
Bigmouth strikes again
By Anonymous - 19/09/2020 08:01 - United States
Top comments
drugs dont make people do stupid shit. stupid people use drugs as an excuse for acting like themselves
Okay, let me say that sending nude photos is one of the the most asinine, adolescent trends going. If you're that stupid that you can't grasp the simple fact that sending a nude photo of yourself means that it will - not might; will - end up elsewhere on the 'net, likely all over the 'net, the you deserve every bit of humiliation that comes your way. Seriously, all the people that do that should just wear great big signs saying "I NEED ATTENTION, VALIDATE ME."
I don't even know what to say to you. It WILL end up on the Internet? Yeah, no.
wow... why is it everyone on this site are always such assholes to the OP. I guess everyone just ignores that little sentence about "please try and be respectful." OP - sorry about this happening to you. But you said they are your friends and family, call up anyone who he has potentially sent info too and tell them that your ex is being psychotic and to disregard anything he sends them concerning you and him. As for your dad, if he's the crazy type just play innocent, "i don't know how he got this picture of me dad, maybe he was being a peeping-tom, you know he's my ex for several reasons, glad i got him out of my life now, etc." For the future, never send nude pics of yourself, and if a boyfriend asks for it or tries to take a pic of you nude himself, smash his phone or never be nude around him until he gets the idea that he has to follow the rules. Good luck.
Weed made him do this.
That really sucks..Im sorry..FYL
Hopefully you learned your lesson: if you let someone take nude pics of you, the pics will get to someone that should not have them (i.e. parents, internet, etc). YDI for being so naive that you let him take nude pics of you and believed he would keep them to himself.
id say ydi if he was still your bf, but fml cuz he sounds like a asshole
This can't be the first stupid, immature, heartless thing he's ever done. YDI for dating such a worthless d-bag without realizing that it would come back and bite you in the ass. If you didn't know him well enough to know what a piece of sh** he is, then YDI for giving naked pictures to someone you didn't know that well. If you've ever participated in or laughed at the ways he's abused other people in the past, then YDI 50 times over for being stupid, immature, and heartless yourself.