By hahasuckit - 25/12/2009 06:30 - United States

Today, my friends and I were shopping for dresses. I asked the lady at the counter for a size 4, she looked at me and mumbled "Yeah right." in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 348
You deserved it 5 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report her to her manager. Sales reps can get in a LOT of trouble for treating customers like that.

Yeah right because you look like a size 2!


If anyone every treats you like that again, just wrinkle your nose at them and say, '& the last time you had a wash was..?' / 'Excuse me, but your dandruff is flaking into my purchase.' More than likely to shut them up. :] &&, FYL. You didn't deserve that. xx

dorkydorky 0

I bet that she isn't close to a size 4 herself, jealously got the best of her.

having worked in retail it is so ANNOYING to have a chubby chick claim to be 4 sizes smaller than she really is... cause it means More work FOR ME. i don't care if you're a size 2 or a size 22... just get the RIGHT size in the first place and stop trying to fool me or yourself or anyone else. i actually had to tell a girl once that she had to purchase some pants she ripped trying on.

Ada360 0

WTF HOWWW RUDDDE! She had no rite to say that. 1. i hope u slapped her 2. then sed ' you look like u cant fit into a size four... YOU FATTY' 3. then reported her 4. Got her fired. 5 then slapped her again 6. then laughed at her chubby fat face!

Everyone carries their weight differently. i have the same problem as 26. im an 8 (most of the time) but people always buy me 4's and 6's. Clothes in general are just confusing. a 4 at one store could be closer to a 6 at another. someone needs to standardize that crap. I also think that its strange for women to try on clothes they KNOW are too small. just wear something that fits and cut out the tag- bam! no one has to know. (not that you should be ashamed, but we're all self concious sometimes,)

Is size four big? I'm from the UK where it only goes down to size eight, a four is the same as your size zero. So I don't really see a problem unless the sizes are very different over there.

jane_says_ 0

I agree, PLEASE REPORT HER. As someone who's been suffering from an eating disorder for years, I am so sick of hearing about this kind of thing... for me and many others a comment like that could be the ONE THING that triggers a relapse... completely unacceptable, not to mention plain rude.

Everyone here is saying something about calling the sales lady fat/she couldn't fit in a 4/etc. But the OP never said the woman was thin nor big... But I do agree that you should report the woman. That's so rude of her. And #73 has a great point.