Spooking cats

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2019 but it's good stuff

Today, my cat got his head stuck in the handle of a plastic bag while snooping. Unfortunately, it was the bag I use to put his turds in after scooping them from the litter tray. With the bag trapped around his neck, he got spooked, then ran around the house, spreading turds from the bag as he fled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 086
You deserved it 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MamaChey 24

I doubt that OP keeps a full bag of cat crap in their house. I pictured that OP just cleaned it and the cat was being a cat. Gawd, I hope I’m right & you aren’t. That’d be so gross


You put all of the cat’s poo in one bag which you then keep inside your house? Maybe you should dump the bag whenever you empty the litter box??

That would make too much damn sense.

MamaChey 24

I doubt that OP keeps a full bag of cat crap in their house. I pictured that OP just cleaned it and the cat was being a cat. Gawd, I hope I’m right & you aren’t. That’d be so gross

omg. I can totally imagine my cat doing that. yuck!!!

I don’t know why I read that as dad rather than cat the first time.

why let it sit around the house wtf ew just toss it after you're done

rotflqtms_ 21

Unless you were in the process of scooping said turds from the litterbox as that happened, ydi... If you left it there open and not in the garbage then ydi. Why do you have a bag of turds laying around in the first place? When I clean a litter box, I tie the bag and toss it in the outside garbage so it doesn't stink up the house.

My dog died by getting a plastic bag stuck around her head