By Gus - 30/11/2012 19:30 - Canada - Richmond

Today, my girlfriend confronted me for forgetting to take the trash out. At some point during the argument, I tried to calm her down, and the words "I should of" escaped my lips. She spent the next ten minutes calling me stupid and laughing at how my grammar goes to hell when I'm distressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 309
You deserved it 4 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a feeling this will be one of the most grammatically-corrected threads in the history of FML. That should serve as fair warning to all the "ur" idiots out there.

I think saying it is fine since it sounds like "should've." Your girlfriend sounds like a bitch, OP.


Should've said its a slur of "should've" just because she can't hear right doesn't mean you have bad grammar. *wink*

Tell her that unless you were in an actual English Classroom then Grammar isn't required to be perfect

GET OUT NOW! Just go and never look back. if you don't leave now you will marry her and spend the rest of your life wondering why you didn't leave now. Yeah this was me 30 years ago. FML