By Gus - 30/11/2012 19:30 - Canada - Richmond

Today, my girlfriend confronted me for forgetting to take the trash out. At some point during the argument, I tried to calm her down, and the words "I should of" escaped my lips. She spent the next ten minutes calling me stupid and laughing at how my grammar goes to hell when I'm distressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 309
You deserved it 4 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a feeling this will be one of the most grammatically-corrected threads in the history of FML. That should serve as fair warning to all the "ur" idiots out there.

I think saying it is fine since it sounds like "should've." Your girlfriend sounds like a bitch, OP.


om102907 4

I am a mental health professional and I am gonna say that if she is picking apart your statements and using them as a way to belittle you, she is an abuser and you need to get away from her.

I read this yesterday, not understanding it, and only realized today it should be "I should have..." Im becoming one of them

heyhooker 11

I am sure she has her moments. If you ever catch one just say "and you call me stupid." Then walk away.

doglover100 28

Dump her NOW. It's only going to get worse.

I accidentally read this whole thing as "grandma" instead of girlfriend. It still works.

But, in speech, "should of" would just end up being "should've" which is perfectly grammatically acceptable. Your girlfriend sucks, dude.