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By dca101 - 20/03/2013 02:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend left me because our "political views don't match" when I told her we needed to share house chores now that we live together. I know, I'm lost too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 521
You deserved it 2 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shyeahh_fml 19

You're asking wayyy too much of her, OP.

What kind of fool are you... That is clearly sarcasm. Hence the exaggeration on 'wayyy'.


shyeahh_fml 19

You're asking wayyy too much of her, OP.

You didn't fully understand the FML, did you?

What kind of fool are you... That is clearly sarcasm. Hence the exaggeration on 'wayyy'.

I would love a man who split household chores, make my life a bit easier.

That's easy to understand, she's a democrat and wants everyone else to do the work while she collect the benefits. And you must be republican.

I'm going out on a limb here but I think OP's ex-girlfriend is one of those women who are all about women's rights but has made it to fit only her wants and needs. When OP asked her to help out with the chores, she pulled the Political-Doesn't-Match card out and left. I'm in, no way, saying what she did was the correct way to react, however, she most likely has the alpha dog personality along with those beliefs that her man should do everything while the woman gets to sit and boss him around (very bad combination!). She probably feels owed due to how women used to stay home, did all the chores, and raised the children.Therefore, when she is asked to do something that she feels she has the right to say no to, she will get extremely defensive and hit the road. I thought we were at the age where relationships are 50/50 and if any couple want to have one person working and one staying home, that's their choices. OP, you dodged a huge bullet!

slimjim8094 12

Should've just let her do them if she wanted to. I'd offer too, but I wouldn't force it

So by your logic op doesn't need to do the chores if he doesn't want to either? Something tells me living in a pig sty isn't very nice

Better off without someone that lazy, sorry to hear though

Everyone seems to be claiming she's lazy... Just MAYBE, it's something other than the typical ideal reason, for a pretty untypical reason to leave someone. Think outside of the 99% sheep thought-wave.

Yeah, maybe if OP wasn't such a communist this wouldn't have had to happen.

Haha, talking outta my ass. Everyone likes to claim the most obvious possibility.. When really, no one was there, people shouldn't belittle someone without knowing both sides of the coin.

I tried talkin outta my ass one time. Made a big mess tho.

jem970 19

#63 this is FML. We only hear one side of the story unless the OP fills in more information. We go by what we are told. If we didnt there would be no comments.

Best without her, a woman who don't clean is normally the same type that don't wax/shave after time, that's not cool

iLike2Teabag 27

That connection is a bit of a stretch. And even if they don't, why is it not cool? Some people prefer natural women.

except, women dont inherently need to do either. OPs problem is more about communication, not a woman fulfilling her feminine duties.

I'd venture to guess what her political affiliation is in light of her laziness, but it would likely spark a stupid debate and get my comment deleted by the mods, as well as provoke some verbal abuse against me, so I won't.

Lazy bitch! Either that or she was looking for an out... Bit weird though!

How lazy of her! That's like saying 'we don't have the same dietary needs' if someone said was asking you about your daily commute.