By wtf3456 - 31/08/2011 09:16 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of six months broke up with me because I didn't know what her favorite ice cream was. She says it proves I don't care enough about her. I don't think I've ever seen her eat ice cream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 871
You deserved it 3 878

Same thing different taste


How over-dramatic, although I seriously doubt the ice cream was the real reason. Unless she's like 12, because wtf.

Ph03n1x1369 2

Turn that shit around on her and ask who your favorite player in a sport you don t watch is !!!!

I'm sure it doesn't feel like you dodged a bullet right now...but you surely did. She did you a huge favor by letting you know what a small, petty person she is before you ended up married to her, or worse, co-parenting with her for the next 18 years.

Still it's the action of u takin the time to ask her what it is and the energy to remember it

He's supposed to take the time to ask her about her favorites in all categories & commit them to memory or he's not making an effort? I realize it's been a looooong time since I dated, but that sounds extraordinarily unrealistic, not to mention just plain ridiculous. Deal-breakers in a relationship are things like not respecting each other or having different goals in life (kids vs no kids, etc.), not ice cream preferences!

This time it was ice cream flavours. Next time it would have been her favourite band, colour, book, movie, Harry Potter character, what her third-best friend said last Tuesday, why she thinks her boss hates her, moisturiser that makes her skin feel greasy, brand of tampon, which side she parts her hair on, toe nail polish, toothpaste, where she left her mobile phone, your Facebook status, not remembering the anniversary of the first time you kissed, commenting on her shoes, not commenting on her get my drift. Believe me, you can *never* prove you care enough about her. Each effort you make will just raise the bar higher. Count yourself lucky.

104, you are dead on target. I actually got out of a relationship that was similar (although she didn't want to break up with me). I would be constantly harangued about how I'm supposed to "care more," and everything I was doing wrong, despite making all efforts possible to do just the opposite. I think that woman (or rather, girl) in this FML is going to be a miserable, pathetic character if she doesn't wake up and smell the shit that's otherwise known as "real life." |the kid|

That's a stupid reason to break up with someone. Apparently it is SHE that didn't care enough.

jake7787 0

She probably told you what her favorite ice cream was right after you met and thinks that you will never forget a little thing like that...I've dated at least one b*#@h like that

vandalnofx 0

Don't take it too personally. All women are ******

That's why shhe broke up with you... You don't pay enough attention to know if she eats ice creammm... Sad sad little boy. :o

Haaaley147 0

She didnt like you that much then bruh.