By badtrip - 03/03/2009 03:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was packing for her study abroad program. Jokingly, I got her a pack of condoms. She laughed, saying "Oh yeah, I'll definitely need some of those." Later, I showed up to take her to the airport and saw her open suitcase in the kitchen, with the condoms on top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 297
You deserved it 33 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#8: "there must be a reason for the abroad program" Yeah, women ONLY travel and go to school to get laid. Right. I'm sure there IS a reason, but it's likely that sex is not her main goal.

marris 0

If you can't take a joke, why'd you give her the condoms in the first place. Seriously, think about a suitcase - who would put condoms on top of their clothes and not in one of the pockets for little items.


Posting sex pics of urself online is always a good idea.... not

Once I got my GF a box of bandages when she went camping. Sort of implied she couldn't handle it. Turns out she had a first aid kit packed with much better quality, water tight, bandages than the cheap and bulky pack I gave her. Low and behold she still packed them. What does that mean? Nothing! You're over thinking it. Sometimes we pack things just because we were given them to pack. Besides, everyone cheats when they're abroad so whatever her reason for packing them I'm sure it'll come in handy. I think it was a rather thoughtful gift. Never know what could have happened in the heat of the moment if they weren’t readily available. She certainly wouldn't be on the pill, what with not intending to cheat on you and all, so she'll need something when it happens anyway.

Agreed with #63. Plus, I am a girl. I would do something stupid like pack them too. Plus, its a cute story to share with girls. Boyfriends are universal conversation starters for girls, so if she is going somewhere new, I'm sure she is going to share the story... sorry if that's bad news.

LaDiablo 0

Have you thought that she maybe did that on purpose? I'm sure if she was planning to cheat on you, she would have been more sneaky. Maybe she thought it would make you laugh if you saw them again.

#14 that would totally work, because they don't sell condoms anywhere but the US right?

necomni 0

That's stretching it, really.

dude you deff don't have anything to worry about. she just wants to remember you. when she unpacks she wants you to be the first thing she thinks of. and i agree with #66. she would have hidden them if she didn't want anyone, not just you, seeing them.

Cantexplain1234 0

At least if she cheats you have a lesser chance of getting a foreign strain of an std!

Ask her why they're there, but yeah, this definitely smells fishy. Condoms are not the sort of thing you take as a reminder of your boyfriend. A condom is not a sentimental item.