By ryanlogan - 31/08/2011 06:31 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend will only speak to me using Lady Gaga lyrics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 651
You deserved it 5 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe this is her way of telling you she has a penis.

You should poke her in face and tell her to stop!


Welcome to dumpsville. Population 1. Kick her ass to the curb. Lets see how she likes that bad romance

I only know a few words to few of her songs and I'd like to keep it that way........she irritates much. So sorry you have to go through that

lovelikewoe103 0

Wow finally someone who agrees with the fact she's irritating

SpruceDread4578 13

Hopefully she doesn't start wearing the meat dress :/

Does she want to take a ride on your disco stick?

Well maybe this is a chance for you to give her your bad romance

jackcandle 10