By ryanlogan - 31/08/2011 06:31 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend will only speak to me using Lady Gaga lyrics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 651
You deserved it 5 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe this is her way of telling you she has a penis.

You should poke her in face and tell her to stop!


Petunia888 13

If you talk to her with Madonna lyrics, would that be considered the same dialect?

GryffindorGirl97 0

Thats a bad romance bro(; lol jk i had too :P

jsmith1610 0

She's just a holy fool oh baby your so cruel lol dude she lobes ya

"ha ha ha-ha fuuck your li-fe, ha ha Fu-uck your li-fe.

muhilrashid 4

Just be thankful its not bieber bro

Speak in lil Wayne lyrics? Bitches love lil Wanye

hbbs93 6

That's what I was thinking too. I can think of some great weezy lyrics.

Sounds like you are in love with a real Judas.

vandalnofx 0

I wouldn't mind as long as she let me poker face ;]