By ryanlogan - 31/08/2011 06:31 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend will only speak to me using Lady Gaga lyrics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 651
You deserved it 5 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe this is her way of telling you she has a penis.

You should poke her in face and tell her to stop!


goddammit, everyone took all my chessey Lady Gaga puns, I got here too late.

MsMeiriona 2

You know, my first impulse was to say YDI for dating a Gaga fan, but I've seen otherwise intelligent people somehow falling into that trap. Now, the obvious thing to do is go all old school and only reply to her in Bowie lyrics, both mocking her dumb move and quoting someone with talent.

Make up an imaginary girl and tell your girlfriend you're going to poke HER face instead. Said fake girl will become real indeed.

Maybe she just wants to ride your disco stick?

Rebecca black is in Katy Perry's T.G.I.F :L hahahahahahahahaha. LADY GAGA IS AWESOME :D!! I think that's pretty cool :)

CaramelRainbows 2

Retaliate by using Rebecca Black songs. "Friday, Friday gotta get "down" on Friday." ;) "Let's play a love game until I'm on the edge of glory." You'll be eternally grateful if she takes a ride on your disco stick. Speaking at it's finest.

LATESTfashion613 0

I find it hilarious that all of you that hate Gaga know more statistics about her than some of her fans do....