By Anonymous - 31/10/2009 20:18 - United States

Today, my good buddy of about two years set me up on a blind date. I got to the meeting point and realized that my date was a guy. My "buddy" honestly thought I was gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 996
You deserved it 4 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha hey when I was moderating it also said "and he was only friends with me because he though we would hook up some time. "


you probably are gay. it's no big deal, really.

moonmask 0

This sounds exactly like something that happened on 30 Rock...

Doesn't even sound like a bad thing. So what if your mate thought you were gay. Being gay isn't a bad thing. And you just have to tell your date that it was a misunderstanding. Grow some balls.

fancypantsninja 0

I bet OP was frickked whe he went on his date!!!!!

Brandosyn 0

And as long as they used protection everything should be fine then.

Spiffy 0

Maybe you did something to him and he set you up with a dude to get back at you, or maybe he was just bored and wanted to see what would happen :P

Haha, at least you know he'd be supportive if you were gay.

Aw, your friend is so supportive. Now you know he wouldn't treat you any different if you were gay. :)

yeah maybe hes the gay and was testing you!

trex23t 0

well most straight guys don't call their friends "good buddy" lol jk feel sorry for you good buddy