
By belljars - 18/04/2014 02:27 - United States - Riverside

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, and, in the heat of the moment, I cried out for him to go harder. He then had an exasperated expression on his face, and, in an adamantly offended tone, said, "Don't tell me what to do." Then he left the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 201
You deserved it 9 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully you checked on him to see if he's okay OP. Maybe ask him why he reacted that way?

Sounds like someone is overly sensitive about their sexual prowess. He probably has self esteem issues.


Hopefully you checked on him to see if he's okay OP. Maybe ask him why he reacted that way?

He's my manchild, but I swear on his penis that I shall get my revenge.

scice03 8

Sensitive Sallies can go home.

I totally feel for you... maybe next time turn it into a bondage thing ha! that'll teach him

incoherentrmblr 21

34, maybe he was going as hard as he can and you might have made him feel emasculated by saying that haha still funny tho, "don't tell me what to do" haha

See if he's okay?? Why?? She's the one who should be checked on after her boyfriend pulled a hissy fit. Are there other ways that he is controlling? Frankly, I'm concerned.

I feel like you don't understand. I also feel like you don't understand much.

OP.. you can tell me what to do any time.

"I'm going as hard as I can! I'm gonna go smoke a bowl, eat some Doritos, and play Pokemon Silver!" Damn, that just makes me sad to hear that... If you can't man up to the challenge, step down from the pedestal and let a champion have a go at it. I feel bad for you OP. I honestly don't know what is happening to "men" these days, but it is sad. I know guys who'd probably pull this same stunt, then brag about how well they put it to you, so unless he has some kind of mental issue I'd definitely consider making him work harder for it.

by any chance were your instructions to go harder sound like "Stuff me like a Turkey"?

HJKM_fml 19

Sounds like someone is a spoiled douche.

Heavily agree "Don't tell me what to do"???? Grow the **** up!

I'd be saying that next time he asks for a *******!

Wow, I am so sorry. Don't let him live that down (for a while, at least). FYL.

wannabeactress71 8

"Babe get me a beer?" "Don't tell me what to do!" It will work.

Sounds like someone is overly sensitive about their sexual prowess. He probably has self esteem issues.

What the **** is his problem?! Goodness, I hope you two can get that sorted out!

#5 you're probably the cleanest FML commenter I have ever seen.

Yeah #55, because **** is SUCH a clean word.

#65 whoops, didn't see that word! Guess reading FML while tired as **** at 2 am wasn't the greatest idea. Sorry

someone was a grumpy-pants. possibly he has an issue with dominance and feels small when being told what to do in a situation where men tend to be more dominant? if that makes any sense at all...

scice03 8

I feel like it should empower him that his woman wants more of what he was doing... Men.

Though that is a bit of an overreaction, don't be too hard on him.

Um he should obey you to an extent for that come on you want more he should give more...give it time oo

Was anyone else instantly reminded of the mailman from Drake and Josh?

Every time someone wishes me to have a nice day, I'm instantly reminded of him. You sir, deserve a high five.

AnOriginalName 19

I accidentally did that while I was participating in a psych experiment at school the other day. "Do what the computer instructs." "I do what I want!"

KVKdragon 26

I was looking for a comment mentioning Drake and Josh. Wasn't disappointed XD