By Man vs. Spider - 28/02/2010 17:05 - United States

Today, my house was the only house left that still had its Christmas lights up, so I decided to take them down. Almost done, my fingers brushed over a spiderweb. Startled, I jumped off the ladder and broke my shoulder. Oh, and the spider still managed to stay on my hand, giving me a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 696
You deserved it 8 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jrook 0

"lol" is even more pathetic for a first comment than "first" is op; wow that's amazing. surprised you haven't died yet from other catastrophic overreactions.


youthink_fml 0

How stupid do you have to be to jump off a ladder high enough to het hurt, unless your life was in danger?

personally, i'd rather take my chances getting bitten by the spider than throw my self off the ladder. there's such a tiny tiny chance the spider will do you any harm. even if it does bite, you'll probably get a bit of an itchy red mark........i know what i prefer.

BooHaUrScared 0

that really sucks unless you don't have a phobia then that's pretty pathetic

If an FML contains the phrase "without thinking" in it, the poster deserves it. I don't get how people have sympathy for this idiot UNLESS they actually have a professionally diagnosed case of arachnophobia, in which case, I am sorry.

Lemenator12 0
alexlindner1 0

I ******* hate spiders u don't blame u

Hahahhahahahaha sounds like something I would do :p