By ummWhat? - 23/12/2018 02:00

Today my car was broken into. The only thing taken were condoms and lighters I had in the glove box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 170
You deserved it 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least they are considerate enough not to procreate.

When you're desperate to not have kids, but like to smoke after sexy times.


When you're desperate to not have kids, but like to smoke after sexy times.

At least they are considerate enough not to procreate.

manb91uk 22

think of people you would know that would know you had that in your glove box that's your thief 🤔

You know how it is; you finally found a willing girl, you head to her place and you find out that you forgot to buy condoms. She doesn't have any either. All stores in the area are closed. Of course you'll do the logical thing; breaking and entering into cars next to your area and checking each and every glovebox until you hit jackpot.

Doesn't really seem like too big a loss or an FML IMO...

EmDizzle2007 28

at that point the ***** personal, ya know?? you broke in and saw I had NOTHING and said "**** it" and took whatever you could find. I hope the condoms break and the lighter explode in his/her face.

Sounds like someone is going to have a hot night!