By Man vs. Spider - 28/02/2010 17:05 - United States

Today, my house was the only house left that still had its Christmas lights up, so I decided to take them down. Almost done, my fingers brushed over a spiderweb. Startled, I jumped off the ladder and broke my shoulder. Oh, and the spider still managed to stay on my hand, giving me a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 705
You deserved it 8 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jrook 0

"lol" is even more pathetic for a first comment than "first" is op; wow that's amazing. surprised you haven't died yet from other catastrophic overreactions.


boatkicker 4

If your lights were just normal little strings of lights, than why bother taking them down? Leave 'em up year round. No one is going to notice them much, if you don't turn them on. We used to keep ours up year round and used them to let people find our house at night. "Pizza for delivery at (address). It's hard to see the numbers at night, so we're the house with all the colorful lights on out of season!" Or whatever. If however they're something fancy, those ones that hang down, or anything specifically christmas-themed, than YDI. If its going to be in your face, take them down before valentines day.

kaitlynxann 0

I really can't decide if this is an FYL or a YDI. True, I would have done the exact same thing -- I HAVE done the exact same thing, minus the injury. I am severely and legitimately arachnophobic. I would have cried in addition, and positively screamed bloody murder. So for that reason, I would call it an FYL. HOWEVER (of course you must have known there was a catch), the YDI comes simply from the fact that you have your Christmas lights up in February. You make the call.

how does I spider? post ending in 5024038804 answers

hahahahah cuz thts eat I do wen a spider webs on my hand.I'd rather break my shoulder than brush it off

What's with you guys and spiders? Just think of them as tiny, fluffy bunny rabbits with eight legs that occasionally have a poisonous bite that could potentially kill or severely hurt you.

sxuxex 0

That's what you get for leaving your lights up! My asshole neighbor still has his up and turns them on everyday. I'm going to cut them soon.