By lonelygal69 - 19/08/2015 05:54 - United States - Stafford

Today, my husband decided he'd rather jerk off to the Wii Fit trainer than have sex with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 133
You deserved it 3 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he explicitly jerk off instead of having sex with you? Or are you just insecure after finding out what his jerk-material is? Just curious, two very different scenarios lol

Sometimes men (or women) just want to have a quick jerk without "the hassle" (foreplay, pleasing the partner as well, etc.) of sex. That's perfectly normal and shouldn't be shamed. If he however turns you down alot and you feel rejected, you should have a serious conversation with him about ways to spike your sex life up. Men aren't always in the mood either and maybe he just needs a different atmosphere, like a romantic evening or some toys? Lots of things you could try together :)


olpally 32

Wow that's pretty sad.. :/ dang, rejected by a video game.

I like how you said the same comment exactly twice, one's negative and the others positive.. Just goes to show FMLers can't make up their minds.

TheDevilsDevices 15

If your in a relationship you shouldn't have to "jerk off" if the other is, you may want to re-evaluate your relationship or lack of...

If I'm working late and my SO decides to play with himself before my shift ends, who am I to say 'no'? It's his penis. Yeah. I'm going to break up with him because he wants an appetizer to the main course. You're nuts. And for the record, it's 'lack thereof.'

That's a horrible view on both human sexuality and relationships. Humans are, by design, sexual creatures with innate desires that vary from person to person. Some people like lots of foreplay, others like the main event. Some like solos, others like groups. Or a mix or all of the above of course.

Isn't marriage sex life just great? I have that same problem op, my husband turns me down all the time then uses his hand. Sorry, I know how much it sucks. :(

You should talk to your husband then, you seem to be able to tell an online community about it just fine

Maybe she has talked to her husband about it, and nothing changed. MAYBE she's telling an online community so someone else who is going through the same thing will know they are not the only one! I have a friend going through it now. She takes it as she's not "good enough" even though shes very pretty and has a great personality. It's his problem, but whatever that problem is, he'd rather ignore it than talk about it.

Exactly right #59. With a problem like that, of course I've already brought it up countless times. That problem seems to be more common than ppl think and that was my point.

Talk to him, ask him what he likes, don't just stay quiet and be miserable. Just. Talk. To. Him. Just do it.

Boy and you're just helpless, unable to do anything! How do people slip into victim roles so easily. Get involved in your marriage or get out...

How's the view from the top of Mt. Perfect?