By Jenn P - 22/04/2012 03:15 - United States - Wichita Falls

Today, my husband drew a penis on every one of my cigarettes. It's a new pack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 967
You deserved it 70 634

Same thing different taste


maybe thats a sign for something, like well uhhh yeah you know.

Who would have thought there was so many high high horses out there? Have 2 at a time and show him what you really want. :p

nightowl713 25

The only difference between smokers and non-smokers, is that smokers don't care if you don't smoke. Smoking IS unhealthy but It's a personal decision, not a debate.

Because smokers don't have to deal with non smokers blowing their shit all over them, increasing the burden on hospitals and health services, leaving their butts in the street, burning smokers who either get too close or when the non smoker absent mindedly hits things with it, distracting themselves from driving, non smoking in areas that are inappropriate and then bitching about their right to not smoke, and generally being a pain in the ass. You know what? Hearing non smokers bitch about smokers is the closest you'll get to the irritation factor we get every day. You apparently can't even tolerate that. When smoking doesn't affect those who don't smoke, we might stop talking shit about it. Until then, you don't have a solid argument.

nightowl713 25

First of all, learn how to correctly form a sentence before replying to anything I write. It is an inconvenience for me to decipher any point you were trying to make. I dont know where you are from, but where I live, smoking is only allowed in designated areas. So non-smokers have nothing to worry about. So instead of ragging people on FML, take time to realize that exhaust fumes from vehicles is 100x worse than cigarette smoke in the air. So do something productive and send a complaint where it would actually make a difference.

You're right, why am I bothering with someone who fails to understand how comparing cars to cigarettes is a completely stupid argument, or that suggesting because something worse exists people don't have the right to complain about something that affects them. By the way, unless where you live all public areas including streets, footpaths and parks are smoke free your point is invalid. Besides, until you're forced to smoke only within your own home with all access points closed and air locked there will never be a time when smoking doesn't affect non smokers. It's ok little man, justify your pathetic habits however you want. Nobody is going to stop commenting on it so long as idiots keep doing it.

nightowl713 25

Did I ever say that I am a smoker? No I do not believe so. All I am saying is that smokers Are the most discriminated group anywhere. You have no right to judge people, or say what they should or shouldn't do. And comparing the toxins in the air is a very valid argument. Until they make cars that do not put off exhaust fumes, and obliterate industrial companies that pollute the air with an enormous amount of smoke and toxins each day, making smokers stop is pointless. And to be honest I can't stand people who argue just to argue. Belittling people just because you don't like what they do, makes you even worse than them.

When those people affect my life directly I have every right to judge them and tell them what to do. You may not be a smoker, but you're definitely not comprehending basic logic. There are so many reasons why everything you say is wrong but you seem to fail to have actually thought about it rationally - and I've covered this too many times to bother doing it again. This discussion is over.

TriztenJ 0

Perhaps he was saying that ur lung cancer is affecting your giving him blow jobs

agentxyv 0

.....And here comes the moral brigade, YDI just because OP chooses to be a smoker.

Well let's hope you were so embarrassed that you quit! Or gave him a ******* to stop him doing it again ;)

sappy0 5

Really? THAT'S an FML for you?? Just buy another pack if you're so insistent on slowly killing yourself! Geeez!!