By Jenn P - 22/04/2012 03:15 - United States - Wichita Falls

Today, my husband drew a penis on every one of my cigarettes. It's a new pack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 967
You deserved it 70 634

Same thing different taste


thagar 2

What the hell is wrong with you? Smoking is just about the worst thing you can do to yourself it's probably a sign that you need to stop smoking. Besides a pack of cigarettes is like $4 so its not like a big deal. If that's bad enough that you feel you need to post about it on here, then you either need to get help, or that's literally the worst thing that happens to you so you shouldn't need to smoke anyway.

While I don't agree with smoking, its really none of your business to tell other people what to do. Its her choice if she wants to smoke and youre just coming off as a judgmental prick

Pack of cigs in Australia is 15-19 usd a pack

happymom2g 0
hatsuharu94 2

i have one word for you. Stoma.

Quiet_one 22

Maybe this is his way of hinting that he wants you to quit. If that's what it is it's a pretty childish way of addressing the issue, but you should ask him about it.

Maybe he's trying to tell you something?

BonniBonni 0
yscpunkchick 14

Everyone off your ******* high horses! Smokers don't need a bunch of people telling them that smoking is bad. Everyone knows what it does and I don't need some damn kid telling me that! So go ahead and thumb me down, but I just needed to get that out there.

donjoe 2