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By whiskynexttimeplease - 07/07/2016 20:52 - United Kingdom - Coventry

Today, my husband kindly offered to take me on a brewery tour. Turned out the brewery is owned by his ex-girlfriend and there was no tour after all. Just me standing awkwardly for 25 minutes while he chatted to her about her family and stuff they used to do together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 828
You deserved it 1 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to talk to him about that. Real douchebag move

It's one thing to just chat with an ex but to lie about it with you there is just another level of stupid on top of being an asshole.


You're the wife, she's an ex. Show her who's the boss!

Jachin357 28

If I were you OP, I would be asking all sorts of questions and questioning his motives. It seems rather inappropriate and sketchy for a married man to lie to do that sort of thing just to see his ex. Maybe he is still holding onto something about her?

Mathalamus 24

i wouldn't complain. people have a right to talk to their ex's. you just came along as a chaperone.

Why the hell would you stand there for 25 minutes!! After about 2 you should have butted in and asked what the actual **** was going on, sorry OP but you deserve it for just letting him do that without standing up for yourself.

rldostie 19

I don't think you deserve this but I do think you should've shortened the time it happened for. What he did is not okay, but you should've let him know then and there. After five minutes, if he's not including you in the conversation, it's time to break it up or walk out. Personally, I would've walked out and he had better follow or there's going to be holy hell to pay.

wow such a douchbag move now its one thing to be friends and talk to your ex its another when you lie to get her to come with you to talk to her ex in front of her. thats not only a douchbag move it breaks trust in your relationship , it shows what kinda person he is and it could potentially end the relationship for what? all to make his gf jelly I mean seriously if that is why he did it that's stupid because 1 he's already got her and 2 jealousness is an ugly thing and can ruin a person in the inside my advice for you is to leave his ass and find someone else who will respect you with the kindness and honesty that you deserve. A man who disrespects and miss treats a woman like that isnt a man at all in my book..

I have to wonder why you didn't cut him off after maybe five and asked about the "tour" he promised you. but now that it's too late, you might want to ask him what the hell he was doing and why he thought it was okay to trick you into coming along on a visit with his ex.

Explain to him that the next time you say you are going to take the car for a tune up you may just be going to meet up an old boyfriend yourself, and the car may not be the only thing getting a tune up ;-)