By Anonymous - 26/10/2009 04:27 - United States
Same thing different taste
By wdunn69733 - 11/10/2012 14:30 - United States - Macon
By GMD - 18/09/2012 20:20 - United Kingdom - Belfast
By young grandpa - 17/06/2013 22:49 - United States - Statham
By xkal174 - 15/11/2010 11:33 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/04/2018 01:30
Kinda sus
By Ifeelya - 15/01/2023 04:00
By captainuniverse - 14/05/2016 05:53 - United States - Nashville
Kids these days…
By Anonymous - 10/11/2022 18:00
By Anonymous - 01/03/2021 05:01
By Greatgrandpa - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Curacao
Top comments
Does your husband know that his nightmare is actually ALL about you and not that his daughter is knocked up? Way to support your husband!
Yes, obviously marriage and commitment makes one a *****. *sigh*
Just to put it out there..there is absolutely nothing wrong with being with an older man. I am 24, married to a 53 year old. We've been together over 5 years, married for over 2 and have 2 beautiful daughters. We are very happy together. He had never been married before, nor did he have any kids before we had some together...Im in total support of the OPs relationship but what patticake said was spot on...she should be more supportive of her husband than making the situation about her...
That's a great story. I wish you all the best. There seems to be a certain logic to a young woman going with an older man if she craves stability and security. If he has taken care of himself, he can provide her with what younger men can as well as being more established and successful. The other advantage is that their libidos will tend to taper off at the same time. Women who are regularly horny in their 40's and 50's have their own name: Cougars. Men who are regularly horny in their 40's and 50's are called "men."
Love is love. And I have to say, while I personally like guys within a few years of me, and my partner is only 11 months older than me, there are some pretty ******* hot 40-50 yr olds out there. Hugh Jackman, George Clooney still has a certain charm and charisma, Brad Pitt, Christopher Meloni, Johnny Depp, And there's a reason Pierce was Bond until a few years ago. Stop being so close minded.
Take away their money and their "celebrity" and are they still hot? The guy is attracted to a girl 30 years younger than him. There is a reason why his other marriage probably didnt work out and that is because the wife lost her looks from when she is 20 so he ditched her and found another girl in her 20's. You almost never see a 50 year old remarry to a girl that is 50 or close to it. They almost always go WAY younger.
Quite a few things wrong with what you just said. For starters, in all of those cases, yes they are still attractive. There's a reason they're famous. Take Clooney for instance. NEVER found him at all attractive till I actually sat down and watched a couple of his movies. It's not so much his face, it's more the way he moves, his (to quote myself) charm and charisma, his mannerisms that make him attractive. Same for the others. And hey, I only mentioned them, and not the men I personally know who fit that criteria, because who the hell are they to you? Nobody. And who are you to judge this other mans marriage??? His former wife could've died. She could've left him. They may have never been married, and this daughter is the product of a one-night stand. They simply could've grown apart. Maybe one of them cheated. Who the hell knows??? Oh and DO they ALWAYS go "WAY younger"? I guess I should call my uncle and my best friend should call her grandfather and we should tell them that they did the wrong thing. They shouldn't have found companionship with someone their own age because everyone else goes "WAY younger". Boy are they going to be embarrassed. And you don't know how these two people met anyway. Seriously, never judge ANY situation till you have all the facts.
It's funny that you mentioned George Clooney because his gilfriend is what 20 years younger than he is? Then there is Donald Trump who has ditched everyone of his wives when they lost their looks and moved on to a younger girl. Brad Pitt ditched Aniston who was close to his age and went for Angelina who is about 15 years younger than him. Pierce Brosnan's wife is 10 years younger than him, Ryan Reynolds is almost 10 years older than Scarlett Johansson. The latest girl Jack Nickelson has had kids with is almost 30 years younger than him, Robert Duvall's wife is 41 years younger than him, Gene Hackman's wife is 30 years younger, I dont even have to mention Hugh Hefner as well. I could go on forever but you get the point. The fact is that if your uncle and grandfather could get a 20 or 30 year old to date them I guarantee you they would jump on it. You dont know how men act very well. The majority of guys go straight for looks. A lot of us dont care about the girl's personality as long as she is hot. It's shallow but that is how a lot of guys are. I bet if you went up to 95% of older guys on earth, heck 95% of any man on earth, and said if they could have a chance with Megan Fox or Scarlett Johansson that they would take it in a heartbeat and not look back.
Wow, it seems you have a lot to learn. The acts of those men have no bearing whatsoever as to whether or not they're attractive. My uncle is very wealthy and could easily get a trophy wife, but he's happy with his current partner, my partner has turned down much more attractive girls than myself because he LOVES me and he's not a shallow **** like you seem to be. I feel so very sorry for you.
Well, then you are lucky to have one of those guys that dont care about looks. The majority of them do. I can list a ton of people that divorced their wife once they hit 40 or 50 and now date a 20 or 30 year old. It happens all the time and its disgusting. How am I a shallow **** for listing the truth? I was the one who started off this disagreement by saying its disgusting that he is with someone that is most likely a lot older than him since his daughter is old enough to have a baby and this girl is only 23 instead of getting someone closer to his age. You are going against your whole argument by calling me a shallow ****.
Like I said, their actions have no bearing on whether they're attractive. It is possible to be attractive and shallow, so again, my argument on older men having the potential to be attractive is safe. And while you may know "many men" that have ditched their missus for a younger model, I actually do not know a single person who has, or has been left for a younger woman, and I know a shitload of people that are 40+. Also, the OP could be a fugly obese woman for all we know, so it really could be about love. It's not disgusting being with someone older than you when you're in your 20's. Please don't reply. Your cynicism and stupidity is an embarrassment for mankind.
Wow... Everyone posting on your story is stupid. You're in a tough situation now, and you just came here to get a little tension off your chest. Although it seems as if you're husband is probably significantly older then you, why should that be so horrific? If you love him, and it's a healthy relationship for both of you, then what's the problem. Obviously you went in knowing the discrepancy between your ages wouldn't exactly make life easier, but your husband's daughters pregnancy was not something you could have planned for. Your only option now is to make the best of the situation by supporting both your husband and daughter. You may not have the most conventional family, but anyone who cares too much about that should go get a life.
Ew... *this was supposed to reply to #69
hahaha ure a gilf
ydi for marrying such an old dude ! hf with your now fu life What does it matter? and at least, at 23, YOUR actual kid isn't having a baby. o_0 that would be... well improbable, depending on their age and the age you had them. hah. But anyways. HOW does that make your life ******? boo-hoo. He must be fairly older and, since he had a daughter, it is fairly obvious she could probably have kids... what I don't get, is why does this affect you AT ALL, just 'cause you're 23? WTF. Get over yourself.

How old IS your husband's daughter?
Let's say that, theoretically, the husband is not creepy old. The formula for the maximum difference in age without it being creepy is age/2+7. So, the oldest the husband could be without it being creepy is 32. If we assume that they JUST got married, and dated for more than a few weeks before getting married, I'd say the OP was probably 22 when they met, and the husband could've been 30 at most without it being creepy. So if the husband is now 31, then either he had his daughter at 15 and his daughter is 15 now, or maybe he was 16 and she's 14, or some other combination. Or he's a creepy old dude who marries younger women. Either way, YDI for either marrying an old guy, or for marrying a guy who had a kid when he was a teenager. You picked a classy guy, and so you get a guy with an obviously classy daughter. YDI.