This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By PJ34 - 26/04/2017 13:00 - United States - Cornersville

Today, my husband said he didn't want to talk to me about current events or news. Yesterday, he told me didn't want to talk to me about baseball. Maybe tomorrow I'll talk to him about about divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 121
You deserved it 707

Top comments

awildwhisper 30

I'd say you two should discuss your relationship and each other's needs, but I feel like he wouldn't be interested...

that sounds a bit extreme. back up story?


awildwhisper 30

I'd say you two should discuss your relationship and each other's needs, but I feel like he wouldn't be interested...

Maybe, Sounded like 3rd strike and you're out!

that sounds a bit extreme. back up story?

I think possibly there's more than just these instances that have been building up for OP to think about divorce

that sounds a bit extreme. back up story?

damn thats a shame to hear. id say t9 try and talk some more but it seems like he doesbt want to even trym can't say what you could do. really sorry to hesr whats going on

Nicky13Na 18

maybe try couples therapy first if that's possible

Ok so of all the things he doesn't want to talk about you call divorce. We live in such an age where if it's broken people throw away... either that or major part missing

She obviously wanted a divorce before this situation

I would say that there is more to it than just not wanting to talk about baseball and current events. Looking at the big picture, it seems that he is shutting her out and not communicating about even the simplest of topics. Once communication breaks down, there are serious issues in the relationship.

Lobby_Bee 17

Can't be bothered with talking. He needs to practice and focus on his LOL career. This FML is the sequel from the one below right?

maybe find out what's bugging him and stop being an asshole? there's obviously a reason. you don't just threaten divorce without trying to work things out