By Anonymous - 25/10/2014 01:23 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my husband told me he cheated on me two years ago with his ex-fiancée. In the process, he got her pregnant, but said it was okay, because she didn't keep it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 190
You deserved it 2 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trolloled 16

I don't even... what? Some people are really messed up in the head.

There was really no need for him to tell you that, except to assuage his own guilty conscience and in the process make you feel bad.


ColonelCusswords 24

Shit, i have nothing funny to say about this

ColonelCusswords 24

I didnt... thats the point...

omg that's terrible.... I think I almost would have rather gone not knowing that. I'm sorry OP

ostfaiz 18

How do you process something like that... Do you leave or stay? Hard hard questions...

tony1891 22

oh she didn't keep it? well that just makes everything all better.... not. leave his ass!!

how does something like this come up in a conversation

divorce.... one word fits all issues here

Some couples can get past cheating, but I'd have trouble getting past his ****** up thinking. What an asshole.