By Monika - 05/05/2011 21:04 - United States

Today, my identical twin sister got in trouble for sneaking out of the house to see her boyfriend. My father decided to ground both of us, because it would be "too confusing" for him otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 560
You deserved it 5 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP's dad has failed in parenting.........

Punch her in the face so that the bruise can distinguish her from you.


awmy 2

lmao what kind of advice is tht. If she went with her she wouldve still got grounded but for actually doing something...

awmy 2

omfg i wouldve made a fit. if he cnt remember which of u is which then he is a failure as a father. but im sorry thts totally not fair

sparxva 12

Ignore the punishment. Tell him you are sure he was joking because he couldn't possibly be that incompetent a father.

oglefro 6

you are gay everyone that is a man has been by there penis so that crap wouldn't even work.

Elledanae 0

The downside to being a twin!

creedaddict 9

wow it sucks to be u or it it her Idk I'm like u dad it sucks to be both of u lol

0opsie 6

Now that you're grounded you might as well go ahead and do something to deserve it. FYL

Garytt 0

obvious you couldnt think of anything else >_>

tbrizzy 0

just give our sister a black eye so your father can tell the difference next time.