By Chatons - 05/12/2013 06:52 - Switzerland

Today, my kittens hunted and killed their first prey. My hamster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 439
You deserved it 72

Top comments

You're supposed to give them a yarn ball, not a hamster ball. Especially when that hamster ball contains an actual hamster.

Haven't you heard adorable animals don't mix well? Just look at Toddlers and Tiaras.


perdix 29

Your next pet should be a boa constrictor -- the kitties will love its hugz!

Blah blah blah you're kitten me blah blah catastrophe blah blah pussy blah blah. Just getting all the stupid, overused cat puns out of the way.

Even if you do that doc, you know there are still some lonely idiots who will use it, despite knowing its overused.

perdix 29

^probably not. I heard the cat got his tongue

Damn you people. Damn you to hell. And by "hell" I mean an eternal Miley Cyrus concert.

perdix 29

#48, aka "She-Who-Ruined-Kittens-Pussy-And-Twerking-For-The-Rest-Of-Us."

Yakostovian 18

You say hell, them claim a Miley Cyrus concert. At least she is entertaining to look at. Want to punish the eyes and the ears? Make it douche-Canadian Justin Beiber.

Er, no. Miley is not entertaining to look at.

oh my goodness! first they're sour, then they're sweet :/

FMLprincess023 13

The kittens probably thought the hamster was sour, then sweet, and the next thing they knew it was gone...

flyingflies 36

"Translated from the french version of FML. Bon appétit!" Oh, the irony.

perdix 29

#16, meaning they probably omitted the part about the Béarnaise sauce and Pinot Noir. Those French make every dining experience memorable whereas we just usually stuff our faces.

At least you don't have to feed them lunch.

perdix 29

The saddest part of this story is that I've got "The Hamster Dance" song stuck in my head, and I tried to flush it with Kylie Minogue's "Can't Get You Out of My Head," and I am enduring the cacophonous medley from Hell!

My cat used to stare at my hamster all the time. Turns out she just wanted to chill with him.