By Gibbster_ - 20/06/2014 05:05 - United States - San Antonio

Today, my life is so boring that I started looking through my can of coins and sorting them out by year. The oldest coin I have is from 1963. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 830
You deserved it 8 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pshtuthinkicare 19

Well guess what; my life is so boring that I come to read FMLs of other people.

#1, no matter how many times I see it, your picture will always freak me out.


I've done that before when I was home sick except it was with 500 pennies that my friend gave me for my birthday.

The oldest coin I have is from 1873 :)

Mine is a 1957 penny, from before the Lincoln Memorial was on the back. Call me boring but I think it's kind of cool.

I've done that for fun before.. The oldest was 1959

Tobeyman 4

Is it a penny? Or a nickel/dime/quarter?

pffft i got a penny from 58. BOOYAH!!!!!!!!

Lil_Red777 21

#12 my favorite comment of the day.

Goth_Hawk 28

OMG I did the same thing today, I have 50 pennies, oldest is 1963, newest is 2014, and 27 other years among the rest of the pennies.

Quarters were made of silver in 1963, its worth a couple dollars