By Discouraged - 31/05/2012 12:43 - United States - Rockville

Today, my little brother got his crush to go out with him by impressing her with his level 500 FarmVille. This is the next generation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 936
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste


wannabemom 5

77 Why does everyone have to bring up a racial issue into a discussion?

Oh my god so say I'm a girl and see a fit guy and say hi he says I'm level 12 on FarmVille so I say oh your farm is so sexy, What the hell?

I have absolutely how this affects OP. but the entire thing is really ridiculous.

I have a friend that is level 296.. But I doubt that he was at 500.

ademisagenuis 0

"Wanna plow my field?" --points to screen--

These are the people that will be out on their own in the world. *facepalm*

z0mbiekilluh 4

If only my boyfriend showed me is WOW, Diablo or Skyrim level. :)