By hungry - 12/02/2009 00:06 - United States

Today, my mom asked me if I had an eating problem because I've been eating less. I only started eating less because she told me I ate too much. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 685
You deserved it 3 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

southerngirl742 0

My mom does that to me too, she tell me to cut back on the food while feeding my overweight brother everything. The she tells me I look too skinny. T.T

arienette 0

my mother once told me i should drink less orange juice because it has a ton of calories and i was getting chunky. now she's telling me if i lose anymore weight, she's taking me to see a counselor again. just the thought process necessary to understand that makes me need my counselor...


theoldGP 0

i dont think my mom thinks there is such a thing as too skinny. too bad i can't be anorexic. =/ i love my food. btw everyone that says think for yourself. when you're not 18.. you kinda have to listen to your stupid parents.

Mr_Wong 0 Voila!! Explanation above. Read and enjoy.

missmisleading 0

blahh! i hateeeee when my mom does that. she tells me im fat, so i tell her im going anorexic. she agrees thats a good idea. then after three days of not eating she gets mad at me for not eating. she changes her mind too much!!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

You don't choose to "go" anorexic.

Dang that sucks parents can be so insensitive and hypocritical sometimes.

my moms lik that 2. She now wants to put me in therpy for my so called 'eating disorder'

my moms like that. one second she calls me a fatty and the next she asks me if i'm anorexic/bulimic...

lol sounds like all moms r like that-my own included when im eating something shes like "stop eating youre getting fat these days" and later at night she makes food and forces me to eat it even tho im not hungry...and when i say i don want it shes like "why?u on a diet? look at these boney arms of yours!"...............

fluffycats 0

well good for you keep it up you'll be happy after losing weight and getting into shape, don't mind your mom she's just trying to make your life miserable.

sealpop09 8

omg same! my mom says I have a good figure and that I know how to control my diet, then 2 hours later she's like: I'm worried about ur diet...

that's true they want you to look and be perfect when there is no real image of perfection