By Hungrey - 29/05/2012 01:38 - United States
Same thing different taste
Wow, thanks, I'm cured
By me. - 22/07/2023 10:00
By Rainbow92 - 19/08/2009 23:43 - Bulgaria
By SmallTownCutie - 29/05/2019 04:13
By chronic masticator - 21/05/2016 11:51 - United States
By I'm just sick, really - 02/05/2015 00:33 - United States - Springfield
By nothanks - 22/08/2010 13:42 - United States
Harsh words
By Anonymous - 11/12/2024 13:00 - United States
ED much?
By Anonymous - 12/01/2011 01:04 - United States
By hungry - 12/02/2009 00:06 - United States
By LP - 15/06/2009 02:35 - United States
Top comments
Apparently you're not the only one who needs to see a therapist.
Who say op needs to see a doctor? Depending on what kind of eating disorder, and I'm assuming it's anorexia or bulimia, I'd say op needs an All-you-can-eat buffet.
Damn. You edited it. Damn my quickness and lack of better things to do.
9- Therapy can refer to any form of medical treatment. To receive therapy you must at some point see a therapist. In this situation OP could see a psychotherapist.
Your mom obviously doesn't know what to do or say. Bitch isn't necessarily the right word. Id say clueless or insensitive or unknowing. Since she seems a little dense and OP obviously wanted help from her in the first place, OP should not just admit to the eating disorder but admit to wanting help and specifically from the mom. I bet then the mom would act more understanding.
You should try to get help somewhere else, your mom's just being an uncaring both.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayI wasn't serious. It's hard to add comedy to FMLs that have to do with serious problems.
Normally I can take a joke but, to me, 3's comment seems insensitive and rude
3 no just no..
It's because it's a touchy subject... I'm pushing my good rep. Just one question: Whats with the depressing FMLs? I know it's **** my life, but some of the recent ones are just sad and don't give me much to work with. :/
You know what, **** it. I tried to explain, but oh well. FML commenters are vicious.
"Good rep" ^^^ Lawl
**** off dude. I had good rep before this. Leave well enough alone -_-
I know, I just hate when people keep pushing it when it's over. ******* trolls. Oh well, off to doing good things, and hopefully never doing an epic comment fail such as this one...and the FML above this one.
Ahh come on guys, it's just a squirrel. Squirrels aren't supposed to be sensitive...
Ahahahahahaha. Sqrrl! killed it.
I made an awful mistake chipmunk! I'm so sorry!
Honestly squeaky just stop. You're just destroying this self proclaimed 'good rep' you had.
I put this FML in my favorites because of this thread.
Ok guys, here's my last statement for this thread: I am very sorry to anyone I offended. I simply tried to be funny, but failed this time. I get it; there's nothing funny about eating disorders. Next time, I'll keep my bloody fingers off the keyboard. If this gets a bunch of thumb-downs, I'll know that no one is offended anymore, and are just being butt wipes. Thank you to those who understand where I'm coming from, and tried to help the situation instead of being a dick. Good day.
After leaving thousands of comments on here I've learned that you don't deal with a negatively voted comment by arguing, but instead just acknowledging that you lost and continuing on with life.
instead by just*
Well put
That's ******* rude.
Your mom is an ass OP
Get help somewhere else, your mom's being an uncaring bitch.
How 'bout we just bury you?
Arg! What's with this? I meant to comment on someone who said "Remove my comment" Arg! *hides in a corner*
It's not a good day for you is it Chipmunk?
Nope. T-T
*screams* HEY, MODS! HOW 'BOUT A BIT OF HELP WITH THE COMMENT FAILS??? *waits patiently* *elevator music*
im eating chili mac as i read this OP. want some?
No, I don't want a Mac smothered with chili. It's already bad enough as it is. Now I must leave before the apple horde comes after me.
Lmfao !!!!
Your Mums probably just showing you that to her it's no big deal...And it's ok. Reverse psychology So as not to freak you out. Give her the benefit of the doubt. If all else fails; call a help line that specializes darl
Yes I know it's serious. I'm just hoping this is the mums way of showing her daughter that its ok & she's ready to help....
Yep I hope like hell she helps her daughter! I have two teenage daughters & the pressure to look like a bloody Barbie is huge out there. As a Mother I am terrified they will develop an eating disorder. Please get help OP
Go seek help from a friend or another family member. Having an eating disorder is very dangerous. Maybe instead of posting this on fml you should go see a counselor? Idk it's just a suggestion. =|
Who says she can't? She probably typed this FML in a few seconds. It's not time consuming. You act like going here takes hours and wastes a person's precious time.
Avoid your mother during the healing process if her attitude continues to bother you. She's only going to cause you loads of stress, and that is terrible when you have an eating disorder. Hopefully your father, some other relative, or a close friend will be more supportive. I hope you get out of it all right.

Apparently you're not the only one who needs to see a therapist.
Get help somewhere else, your mom's being an uncaring bitch.