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By alittlepersonal - 05/10/2012 05:59 - United States - Lewis Center

Today, my mom decided to subtly bring up her desire for grandchildren. "You really need a girlfriend. I'm surprised you don't have a crippling case of Carpal Tunnel by now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 154
You deserved it 3 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The fact that she knows bothers you? Hear this everyone: WE KNOW. We were all kids once, and we know what you do. As long as she isn't walking in on you while you're climbing the flagpole, you're fine.

joep1 7

Don't worry man, masturbating is healthy and normal. But hey, you cant blame her. What mother doesn't want to be a grandmother!


joep1 7

Don't worry man, masturbating is healthy and normal. But hey, you cant blame her. What mother doesn't want to be a grandmother!

If you can't be with the one you love love the one you with. In this case it would be: me, myself and I.

Mine. Not everyone is obsessed with having grandchildren.

My mom says she doesn't want grad kids.

Did you thumb your own comment there, bob? :P

chell1894 13

No joke my fiancé's overbearing Mother will probably come and kidnap our future child. She worries me :/

I don't want to have kids, much less grandkids! It irks me that people think all women want to/should have kids. -_-

Mine doesn't. Both of my parents don't want grandchildren and they raised us that way. They taught us that this world is getting worse and it would be horrible to bring children into this world now. Bring on the down votes -_-

Is this a bad time to say that mother shouldn't be capitalized?

I'm gay and I dislike children. Who cares what mother wants.

sad... rlly sad... i feel for u... not at all embarrassing?

RealReality 12

That's okay, you'll also need medical attention for that BURN.

MagicGiraffe 12

Too bad all his lotion is used up...

SenselessPattern 12

She just doesn't understand the bond between a man and his hands.

You right hand will always be the best woman in the world. She never talks back and puts out anytime you need her too

Classlfied 4

If sex involving 3 people is a 3some and sex involving 2 people a 2some does this make you handsome?

xXHollowIchigoXx 17
rebel_belle1974 5

put your talents to use, donate sperm

Is it really a talent when it cums as easily as breathing? Then call me talented!

Apparently 5has a talent for getting buried every time he makes a comment.

The fact that she knows bothers you? Hear this everyone: WE KNOW. We were all kids once, and we know what you do. As long as she isn't walking in on you while you're climbing the flagpole, you're fine.

Climbing the flagpole? Now that's a new one...

Doc, I'd love to know the story behind your newest profile picture. Really enjoying the blog!

Thanks! It's an X-ray of the foot of a 16 year old kid who went joyriding in his parents' car while they were out of town. He crashed and walked Those little rectangular things in his foot are pieces of glass that he stepped on that I had to extract.

X_Codes 11

We know what we do, we know what you do, and we know that you know what we do. All we ask is that you not be a creeper about it.

It's funny doc because if that was me when I was 16, I wouldn't be going to the hospital.

Is it legal to post your patients' medical information online? Do you get their permission or...?

thrAsHeRr9081 16

It's not like we know who his patients are. He isn't violating any HIPAA laws.

Oh, ok. I will never understand why FML commenters thumb certain things down. I was asking a serious question...

thatKidzmOm 10

There's never a name or any identifying information attached to any of his blogs. And it always says (not real name) if he uses a name. The blog is fantastic actually.

He is not revealing name and is not pairing the xray to a particular person. What cannot be done is tell that some particular person had this condition or treatment.

YourEvilHero 12

Surprise her, bring home a prostitute. prostitutes make lovely additions to any family

iseyixes 18

Really? Bring home a prostitute? Might as well bring home roaches.

Well you can't **** roaches soooo...

29- Hey, that's a completely legal profession in Nevada! It's a job in which (literally) they're doing what they love.

"I married a *****!" "How dare you, she's a nice lady!"

RedPillSucks 31

She's a very kinky girl The kind you don't take home to mother She will never let your spirits down Once you get her off the street

Yeah, am I the only one who saw Milk Money? THAT ended well.

RedPillSucks 31

It's the answer to OPs question.

KiddNYC1O 20

and nw you will post this on fml so the whole world knows! :D

Sorry, but this isn't even an FML. 99.9% of parents know that their sons/daughters ********** and have sex. There's nothing to be ashamed or embarassed about. It's human nature. They do it, too.

Rancor 5