By ShadowReiku - 23/08/2013 02:05 - United States - Odenton
fishyrael tells us more.
Hey guys. I did realize my mistake very shortly after and deleted the status before anyone caught it. My mom's business is still getting off the ground and so I would be very surprised to find out that anyone at all saw it before it was deleted. As for no one caring, my facebook is only for very close friends, so I wasn't expecting any likes or anything - just any reprieve from the dullness of what I was doing. This was not really an end of the world thing, just a little "Oh shit" moment I thought I'd share.
Top comments
Nobody did probably think of that
No one is actually wondering "What's on your mind?" Except maybe your FB stalker
You. Don't ******* say....
Ur like 13 y r u cussing for no reason that's y people think all kids r bad
No, I'm pretty sure your grammar skills are the reason people think kids are bad.
#90, why can't you use WORDS?!?
Lmao! A 17 yr old trying to tell a 13 yr old they're young. KIDS.
Them feels.
Death note! :D
78- Cybermen from Doctor Who
94- That's the Dalek, not Cybermen
OP, you know you can delete posts, right? like.....immediately?
everyone is being so rude who cares what this person puts as their status it is their account so they can post what they want to... most likely none of you are their Facebook friend so you don't have to read it and if those posts annoy you then delete the people who post them... it's no big deal
Naaawh, hope u don't get into too much trouble c:
How many people liked it?
That's what Twitter is for. Updates no one cares about. Lol.