By THAT'S THE LAST STRAW!!! - 20/11/2018 21:00 - Philippines - Pasay City

Today, my mom's boyfriend's son stole from me again, this time it's my $4000 gaming laptop. I confronted them about it, and he ignored me as my mom yelled at me to "Grow up and quit my whining about toys!" When I told my buddy, he said to just beat him up. I would, if only he wasn't 10. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 400
You deserved it 315

Top comments

Steal it back. He's TEN, it's not like you're trying to outwit VOLDEMORT.

Wedgies/swirlies/noogies are middle ground. Not too violent, but painful enough to teach the little shit a lesson.


At that value I wouldn't hesitate and get the law involved if the adults don't take bother to deal with it. Even if he's just 10 and might be not in the age of criminal responsibility, you should at least be able to get his parent for neglecting his fiduciary duty (I think that's the right term?)

purplemonkey 7

Call the police, also why the **** would you have it somewhere he could steal it from?

darkenedone 27

steal her car and sell it to get a new laptop.

Lukr 8

You gotta make sure he doesn't do this shit again...


What futuristic gaming laptop is $4000. With that alone I call bs

Sady_Ct 37

Look up AlienWare laptops, some go for Near 15k.

butfuckthegram 3

"ToDay A TeN yeAr olD StoLe My LaPtOp" hurrr durrr

weaboo 12

It’s not a *laptop* it’s a *4000$ laptop*. Just because it’s not the same amount in cash or diamonds it doesn’t suddenly become any better

tash901 31

Report it to the police, he needs to learn and **** your life for having to put up with that brat!

IThriveWithYourPain 14

if he is ten years old then just snatch it back and if he tries to stop you then slap the little ****

teach him some manners. Or steal his toys