By Anonymous - 19/06/2009 17:52 - United States

Today, my mom thought it would be a good idea to see what websites I go on from my computer while I wasn't home. She clicked the link that gave my computer a virus that I just got rid of a few days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 178
You deserved it 5 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you delete your history.

That is also why you lock your computer.


I could have SWORN this was gonna be about ****.

muffinsareyummy 1
supasqueak 0

Hope shes paying for it to be fixed

mnkyc_mnkydo 5

i can just imagine Mom: "hmmmm whats this button do?" *click* Alert box: "warning this may contain a Trojan virus" Mom: "Ooooh looks like history homework" *click*

The same thing happened to my friend. His mom downloaded a scam malware protector that mimicked windows virus protection to make the user need to buy the malware protector product for some ridiculous price. He had to take it off and it was extremely difficult.

icantellu 7 em' you hate 'em..cant live without 'em or with 'em!

omfg! FYL for many reasons: 1. for having a nosy mom 2. for having ANOTHER virus on ur computer... :-/ i think u should give your moms computer a virus... :D

stfu with "get a mac" I'd rather use a super infected win os over a mac os. Linux is the way to go!