By Anonymous - 19/06/2009 17:52 - United States

Today, my mom thought it would be a good idea to see what websites I go on from my computer while I wasn't home. She clicked the link that gave my computer a virus that I just got rid of a few days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 178
You deserved it 5 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you delete your history.

That is also why you lock your computer.


Good thing my laptop has a password ^^ Sorry to hear that though, hope you get rid of it again :)

Ouch. Thats harsh. I bet my dads going to do that to me, because i have flash installed on my computer and he always uses it.

CassandraBear93 0

dude, you mom is a nosy bitch, i say that from experience, my mom is the same way I can't trust her at all and she doesn't trust me

loserr88 0

Would not of happened if your Mum wasnt suspicious of your internet activity

One night, you should kill your mom while she sleeps. She totally deserves it now.

wikifoo 0

See what happens when you log on to " ass bandits dot com " Buy protection

This is why parents should never be allowed near a computer.

What are you trying to say? It wouldn't have been her fault regardless. Some people just become suspicious for no reason, other than being paranoid.