By nopleasestopmother - 02/05/2014 23:03 - United States - Lake Mills

Today, my mother asked me why I disliked her and my father's nakedness in the family pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 500
You deserved it 3 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's an image you are never going to get out of your head... Sorry OP!


Ugh. Notice how the people you might like to see nude in public are never nude in public. Also, ugh. Parental nudity. My mom went through a nude phase when we were kids. We're in our 60's and my brother is still bitter about it.

TabooSushi 24

Are they IN FRONT OF YOU when they do this, or are they just skinny dipping when you aren't home? If it's the former, okay, I can see how that might be a bit too much for you. If it's the latter and you just happened to find out, well... Then you really have no space to complain. It's THEIR pool on THEIR property, they have every right to do whatever they want in it (within sanitary reason). Honestly, a bathing suit isn't much of a difference from being nude in most cases, all they do is cover the private bits. So unless they're doing it right in front of you, I suggest you try to get over it. People here talking about skin shedding and hairs falling out: Do you think that a swimsuit magically stops this from happening? Because I've got news for you: It doesn't. There are hairs and skin cells on your head, arms, legs, everywhere on your body. You are literally COVERED in hair and skin. Like it or not, you're swimming in your own (and everyone else's, if it's a public pool) shed hair and skin, and there is nothing you can do about it. Happy swimming!

My parents definitely have done that. Not with me there. Even if they did I would probably lie back, close my eyes and tan and ignore them. Why be offended by someone else's nudity? Especially people you've lived with your entire life...

Can she really not think of the answer on her own? Sorry for that mental image Op.

some things cannot be unseen in life.. sorry OP...

Nederlander95 14

I've seen all 3 of my brothers and both parents naked so many times, I don't understand this queasiness. If my mom wants an opinion from my dad on a dress, she'll change in the kitchen. If I forget a towel, I walk downstairs and get it. My older brother literally walks around the kitchen naked. It's just bodies, and you live with your family more than anyone else (obviously). I guess it's just a European thing.

Could it possibly be because you don't want to see your dad's bologna pony floppin' around everywhere, along with her melted gum drops?

If you saw them, then I'm sorry. otherwise, grow up. nothing wrong with your parents skinny dipping and if you think its gross then ive got news for ya. the water touches their junk even when clothed and the chlorine would kill any bacteria anyway.