By Anonymous - 21/10/2009 02:15 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/10/2009 02:15 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/03/2020 05:30
By live2dance4ever - 06/07/2019 14:00
By danny5191 - 17/03/2012 02:21 - United Kingdom
By where’s the humanity? - 21/02/2022 03:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 14:14
By JaneVI - 10/02/2011 22:48 - United Kingdom
By *cough* *cough* you're a dickface - 27/06/2015 05:48 - United States - Mckeesport
By Anonymous - 05/10/2023 17:30 - United States - San Diego
By hospitalflunky - 28/03/2009 06:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/01/2025 09:00 - Canada
Eh, some people need personal days to retain their sanity, though I don't think the lie was very intelligent.
Yes, maybe you shouldv'e just said you couldn't attend? Why do people lie, geez, it's not like they really care about your life.
yeah. you maybe could have said you had to take care of some very sick relative for the day or something, that way if he caught you at starbucks you weren't necessarily lying - you weren't the sick one. ydi
To be fair, the dude said he had flu simptoms, not the flu. They could've easily just gone away and he couldn't be bothered to go to college past that point.
When did ethics become a class?
Actually I'm in college and we are only allowed to miss 3 days for every class. So you are absolutely correct, you do have very right to "just not go". However you can and more than likely will be dropped from the class - so it's a huge waste of money. But agreed with most of the comments here, you didn't have to lie. As long as you haven't missed many classes you don't even have to give them a reason. A simple "I will not be able to attend class today" would have worked.
I couldn't show up for English class one day because I was meeting a couple of friends who were in town for that one day. The next time I went to class, the guy didn't even notice I was gone. He was all "What? Oh. Well I dunno, there was a power point." Going out of your way to get away with something you shouldn't be doing only makes it harder for you to get away with that thing.
YDI smart-one
lol brilliant prof
why wasn't the ethics teacher at school teaching???
adorable dog #1
Yeah but you can get stuff like coffee or tea to help you feel better?
Oh, the irony. Your ethics must be taking a sick day, too. *cough* *sneeze* Start sniffling and tell him that a Pumpkin Spice Latte really clears your congestion. :] OR, punch him in the face and run.
"Hey did you punch me in the face and run yesterday at starbucks?" "Nope, I was at home with the flu. *sniff*" It's air tight!!!
There ya go! It's an unbreakable alibi! XD
Oh, it's a hit and run day!
This is why you go out to Starbucks when you know they're in the middle of a class, not when they're probably on a break.
#86 was a complete and utter win.
Meh, who doesn't skip class though? No big deal. You payed to be in that class so he should shut it. You are paying for HIS Starbucks.
Yes it's most likely college beacause students in high school usually don't call their teachers "professor."
I just like to say that if any student ever says, "Well, I pay your salary, so you can't do that!" to a professor, that they deserve any failing grade they may receive after that.
77 stfu teachers wouldn't HAVE a job without students, dumbass.
No, but they can decide on your final grade.
@ #77 And you wouldn't have an education. Although whoever was part of yours may need to try a bit harder next time.
#6- exactly.
I moderated this one:]
isn't this a very obvious YDI?
Oh, the irony. Your ethics must be taking a sick day, too. *cough* *sneeze* Start sniffling and tell him that a Pumpkin Spice Latte really clears your congestion. :] OR, punch him in the face and run.