By stolenbike - 14/06/2009 17:28 - United States

Today, my motorcycle was stolen from the 4th level of my “secure” gated parking garage. I strategically park it tightly between my car and a concrete wall to limit theft opportunity. They scratched my car trying to get it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 848
You deserved it 3 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aero_fml 0

@$6 **** that if I had a bike there's no way in hell I'd be taking chances. FYL for sure.

I'd sue the parking complex if they advertised "secure" parking....


pikL3bOi 0

4th lvl? If u r tht rich buy a knew 1

To certain numbers above me: Today, I read an FML only to find it wasn't an FML. FML. Seriously, calm down.

Redneck325Ci 0

#20 Congratulations on living in a "3 gated community", you can feel safe paying a quarter to a half a million dollars living in yours and I'll feel safe living in my non-gated small town in the sticks, difference being; you loot, we shoot. OP, that sucks and I'm sorry for your loss, hopefully you can get your bike back in one piece. Try living in a better neighborhood or on the outskirts of the city next time?

wait im confused. i dont think i read this right but, you own a a car garage with four levels? and a motorcycle and a car? if u own that much, then this isnt a FML cause you can just buy another. but i still think im not quiet understanding this. can someone explain?

CrookedNipples 17

I don't think OP owns the garage.. It might just be a parking structure for the apartment they live in or something along those lines.

00_fml 0

I don't see how anyone could possibly say that you deserved that one. I hope you had theft coverage.

Why are people saying just because someone has money that it doesn't matter if your shit is stolen? What a bunch of jealous assholes.

paks7 0
Blue_Coconuts 7

I'm torn with this FML. On the one hand, I want to say "FYL" because I have a bike, and I would be so pissed if mine was stolen from me... But on the other hand, I want to say "YDI" for obviously NOT doing everything you could to get it stolen. In fact, I almost want to call fake on this FML. If the bike is "tightly" parked between a wall, and your car... Then it's impossible to get it out (without moving your car), as long as you're not a complete and total retard. If you are a total retard, then you wouldn't be locking your handlebars. But alas, maybe you have an older bike that doesn't have locking handlebars. In that case, invest in a newer bike, because your stolen one would be old as shit. TL;DR, Lock your ******* handlebars, and it wont happen again unless they're really determined. *Edit* and I own a Car and a Motorcycle, but that doesn't mean I can go out and just buy a new bike if my old one gets stolen... So those posts are just pointless. And he doesn't "own" a parking garage, he probably parks in one for his apartment complex. Again, like me.