By Anonymous - 21/11/2013 22:30 - United States - Auburn

Today, my neighbor finally password-protected his wifi. Right in the middle of my timed, online exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 034
You deserved it 95 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats what you get when you freeload. Get your own wifi dude!

Omfgitsmia 15

I don't whether you deserved this or if your life sucks lol. Maybe a little of both.


suckitstyles 11

It's kinda hard not to say you deserved it..

get your own? if that is financially impossible should've gone to Starbucks(I know they have slow internet) or somewhere with wife. not fair to your neighbor that you used theirs

The good thing is that it's easy to find a place with a wife.

haha yeah I messed up my spelling, it happens. and its suprisingly difficult to find a place with a wife

Or the campus library. Which ever is closer. It's 2013. A lot of places offer free wifi now a days.

That may be true 53, but what is the library's policy on free wives? I think that's the important issue here.

Goblin182 26

I have got to find a way to password protect my wife.

Sinistra_Blue 12

That's true, you don't want your neighborhood to share your wife. At least not unless they ask nicely.

I'm leaning towards YDI more than FYL. This is why you should always go for the stable/secure wi-fi when doing important stuff online.

olpally 32

That's pretty stupid of you op. get your own damn wifi.

This is exactly why my wireless network name is "**** OFF, CHEAPSKATE". And why I have a password.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Hmm I like that name. Might change it from my, "Virus Distribution Network."

Greenteamextreme 16

I had mine as 'The LAN before time' for a few years now lol

RedPillSucks 31

You should name it "unbreakable"

at the risk of being buried in down votes I will admit I named mine westboro baptists NYC

MzZombicidal 36

I named mine Bill Wi The Science Fi. We had also just gotten wifi at the time and, while trying to figure out password protection, had 3 different people connect to it. Even after we did put a password lock on, the neighbors came and asked for our damn password. I told them if they connected to my internet again, I'd borrow their cars whenever I wanted. They got the hint.

I remember a friend of mine had a neighbour with the ID "We can hear you having sex"

BriCx 8

102 my neighbors actually did that and also named one K-9 unit. It's sad that they think someone would fall for that. Not that I tap into theirs of course. They can have their wifi.

You're dumb. You should have went to the library for something like this. YDI.

Sweetpea22 14

YDI. You should have gone to a place like Starbucks who has free WIFI, the library, or have your own internet. Stop mooching off of other peoples WIFI

My wifi is named "get your own damn internet" and theres a reason for it. Sorry, OP, but you should have had a backup-plan.

Sweetpea22 14

I know right? And then he expects to get sympathy for being a moocher

loooloool 13