Wicked game
By Anonymous - 25/11/2013 17:06 - United States - Buffalo
By Anonymous - 25/11/2013 17:06 - United States - Buffalo
By ugheffmylife - 09/05/2009 19:06 - United States
By LockedOut - 02/11/2013 06:27 - United States
By ihateyouatt - 18/03/2010 13:30 - United States
By sadphonegirl - 16/06/2012 13:44 - Canada - Brampton
By iDisable - 19/06/2011 00:27 - Australia
By nhanley1 - 02/04/2009 17:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/11/2024 08:00 - United States - Romeoville
By Emily S - 09/10/2011 05:17 - Australia
By Terry J - 13/11/2024 14:00 - United States - Manchester
By Anonymous - 21/11/2013 22:30 - United States - Auburn
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayand the asshole awards go to...
Yeah i hated that so much. But when i jailbroke my phone there was a tweak that prevented locking up my phone
@38, I call that God. The Based God!
#48 stop trying to make fetch happen.
I remember one time, my little sister locked my iPod touch for 1,700 something hours. I don't know how long it took her, but she seemed proud of herself.
Oh boy that is horrible OP
Change your Facebook's password!
I'm pretty sure you can connect your phone to your iTunes and it'll let you put the password back in instead of waiting 24 hours
I don't understand how this feature helps the phone owner at all..this case put aside, if someone were to steal a phone and have this happen, the owner can either track it or just cancel the service or both. if someone skilled stole a phone, they would hack into the phone np problem anyways. the fact that phone manufacturers put this feature in is stupid and unnecessary
Connect it to your iTunes = Problem solved
What if it's not an iPhone though?
Change your Facebook's password. Problem solved.
Jailbreak your phone (if its an iPhone) then put a lock on any app that they will be able to hijack.
Nah new friends would be less of a hassle.
Its just a joke, and yes maybe he took it a little too far, but my friends do that to me all the time and I think its pretty funny
I think the best solution for op is to lock it. Like in a vault. And carry the vault with them, opening it when they need to use their phone.
I think that would be a great solution
Can you not
I'm assuming it's an iPhone because I don't think any other phone locks for 24 hours after too many failed attempts. Anyway if a computer with iTunes is unavailable, hold on the power and home button for 9 secs until your phone reboots. As its coming back up repeatedly press the home button. It should be unlocked when the phone boots up fully ;)
If it's an android you can just log in anytime with your Gmail even with a lock
I suggest keeping your phone with you at all times.
You must be a genius.
I agree. If they keep messing with your phone, stop leaving it where they can get it. It's really the easiest fix. Either that or get new non asshole friends.
I know you're feeling. Here's a trick that worked for me: "Don't ever let them get you, never lose eye on your phone and be damn quick when they try to get it." You must not only feel the phone, but be the phone
If you can dodge a phone.... you can dodge a ball
Also, most phones have an option to turn off the "disabling" function.
Just keep it in your pocket
Just do it to them back. They might stop once they realize how annoying it is. Also, connect to iTunes and backup so you can just unlock it everytime that happens.
Not everyone has an iPhone
According to the stats 90% of smart phone users don't have an iphone..
Keep your phone, change your friends.
OP probably does not but they steal it when OP is not looking.
Try to do the same to them, maybe they will stop with that bullshit.
I know you're feeling. Here's a trick that worked for me: "Don't ever let them get you, never lose eye on your phone and be damn quick when they try to get it." You must not only feel the phone, but be the phone
Connect it to your iTunes = Problem solved