By no_service - 19/06/2009 17:57 - United States

Today, my phone died. I plugged it in to charge and then went out to run some errands. When I returned, my phone was no where to be found, and our shovel was on the floor, muddy and wet. I then discovered my 6-year old son had buried my "dead" 200$ palmpilot because he had felt sorry for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 630
You deserved it 7 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what, you left your son alone. who was watching him?!

Seti_fml 0

I would be sooo pissed. Especially since it's hard to be mad at your kid since he was trying to help.


Haha, Awh. All these comments are so mean! I think thats kind of cute. haha

You guys can call me when it becomes "adorable" for your son to withdraw $200 from your bank account and burn in the streets. When I receive that call, I'll know it's time for me to commit suicide due to the world's stupidity. Unfortunately, this story comes dangerously close.

cameraboirzu 0

Yeah. Idc that pol think that babysitters actually DO pay attention. It's not just the sensenof sight. You would hear a 6 year old goin outside, pulling out a shovel, climbing up to take the phone, and then burying it. People notice these things. Way to leave your child alone. You apparently did not have a sitter OP.

How did your son get the shovel ydi if he has access 2it and you r lucky it wasn't a more expensive fone

A freaking PalmPilot? Whoa, that takes me back. Buggy rides, Scott Joplin, the first gas lights in the streets, Palm Pilots...

Dont beat him like that ******* prick #1 said to , he's a dick for thinking he's funny and fyl for your dead phone.

Ok so I'm going to make a few assumptions here which allows room for error. I would assume you don't keep your shovel around other household appliances such as brooms or cleaning supplies (most people keep them in the garage or tool shed or something of a similar nature). Which then leads me to assume that your child was very poorly attended while you were doing errands (because who lets their kids play where the tools are kept?) So while you're mourning over the loss of your expensive (since it's a palm pilot probably time to be replaced) have you taken the time to wonder what else your 6 year old has gotten into? Let's hope he's not yet strong enough to taste test the pesticides or start your lawn mower!! FYL for being a lazy, self centered parent!

firebirdforever 0

I hope you don't have any either. Just because a kid doesn't understand doesn't make it right, and doesn't mean it should be, "D'AWH HOW CUTE!" The kid is SIX, about to hit school or is in pre school already, surely the kid has some concepts of electronics in this day and age.

If that were my kid he's be grounded beyond belief. And I'd be seriously concerned about his IQ.

paks7 0

it's remarkable how many people on this website don't understand children. just because he is six doesn't mean he automatically understands everything. everyone is saying that by that age he should understand to not use other people's stuff well, he is probably learning that, but it's a process children think extremely concretely so his thoughts were: this thing is dead, dead things get buried i seriously hope most of the posters on this website NEVER have children

people stop saying at least he cared, or that's adorable. It's not. He broke the phone. He should be punished for it. Sometimes, the "it's the thought that counts" rule is not applied when the bad effect outweighs the good effect. (which in this case, there is none)