By baddaddy - 23/03/2018 01:30

Today, my psycho ex is threatening to take me to court on child abuse allegations. How did I abuse them? I “gendered” our children by buying them certain colored clothing and toys... that they’d asked for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 366
You deserved it 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lemme Guess: your ex also thinks all men are idiotic sex-craving pigs, thinks that statues are out to kill humanity, and is a vegan who regularly harasses meat eaters.

ohsnapword 21

The Mars One project is looking better and better.


boopingsnoot 24

So, your ex is upset that you let your children pick their own clothes and toys? Sounds more like a "social justice trendy" than an sjw. She doesn't actually give a **** about her children being small people and not dolls.

Actually, prior to the 1950's, pink was preferred for boys with blue for girls. Only "thanks" to marketing since then have the gender meanings of the colors swapped.

boopingsnoot 24

Nazis made gay men wear pink triangles in the concentration camps. When the camps were liberated, Western civilization had a massive "no ****" moment and kept some of the prisoners in the camps.

Honestly, let her. you can counter her in court and chances are, she will lose custody if you wish that to happen. I personally wouldn't want my mom existent kids for this scenario to be near a woman like that

a scorn ex would say just bout anything to get to you, this is a great example. smh. sorry you have to deal with this OP!

Lobby_Bee 17

I can see why she is your ex, good all on that.

Sadly the age that we live in this is true

julfunky 29

*Your If you’re going to call someone a moron at least try not to appear moronic. Also, he never said anything about a wife. Just a little heads up.

Somewhere in this world right at this moment is a mra or alt-right bro jerking off to your FML.

I hate people like your ex. It's hard enough for trans kids and parents of those said kids as it is without people like your ex pulling stunts like this that make all families with these actual issues get lumped into the same catagory as the psycho ex by the less-well informed.