By Roomie pay rent plz - 24/04/2016 01:25 - United States - Hicksville

Today, my roommate's shopping addiction reached a whole new level. He bought a box of tampons just because they were 40% off. Yes, he. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 434
You deserved it 1 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Every guy should have a box of tampons just in case a girl comes over. We're very happy with that haha

Well they are nice to have incase a lady friend comes over and doesn't have any.


BabyCakes818 16

Well it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Lol.

Shay_Shay97 23

What the hell did I just read?

Like has been said, its always good to have them in the house in case someone needs them. Also, I am a 'he' who needs to use tampons, and there are a few more of us around. :P

sempisaviour 17

"He" might identify as an attack helicopter. Don't deny attack helicopterism.

this is so fake you're lucky it got verified