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Acting kinda sus

By sailinggsoul - 02/08/2019 00:01

Today, I bought a box of tampons and went to the store restroom to insert one. I then put the box inside my purse. On my way out, I got stopped by security, who yelled at me to empty my purse. He grabbed my bag, spilling the tampons everywhere. Apparently, he thought I was stealing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 950
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cazziuz1983 9

technically speaking,depending kn the state your in I hope you locked his ass up. had a store guard grab me by the arm and say I was under arrest, for stealing.i got physical, a second person (manager) jumped in u got my ass handed to me actually. but when it went to court charges were dismissed cuase 1,he assaulted me first(in the eyes of the law)2 just becuase he has a uniform on that looks like a local officers uniform doesn't give him the right to arrest anyone ,for any reason.since he was not a cop nor was the store (walmart) allowed to do so. judge didnt take too kindly to people acting like they were the law when they are not ,specifically stated that unless they were the law they had no right to attempt to detain me,let alone physically touch me.and that I was with in my rights as to how i reacted,and flat iut asked me if I wanted to press charges against them both.

He’s not allowed to do that. I work security and he made a bad call. You can go after him for that


What did you do with your receipt? Did you stick it up your hoo-hah?

Haha, a “Scent of a Woman” reference! Not what I was thinking...

EmDizzle2007 28

who didn't see that coming??

cazziuz1983 9

technically speaking,depending kn the state your in I hope you locked his ass up. had a store guard grab me by the arm and say I was under arrest, for stealing.i got physical, a second person (manager) jumped in u got my ass handed to me actually. but when it went to court charges were dismissed cuase 1,he assaulted me first(in the eyes of the law)2 just becuase he has a uniform on that looks like a local officers uniform doesn't give him the right to arrest anyone ,for any reason.since he was not a cop nor was the store (walmart) allowed to do so. judge didnt take too kindly to people acting like they were the law when they are not ,specifically stated that unless they were the law they had no right to attempt to detain me,let alone physically touch me.and that I was with in my rights as to how i reacted,and flat iut asked me if I wanted to press charges against them both.

Guards can absolutely detain a person for suspicion of theft. And the vast majority of Wal-Mart stores in the United States employ off duty police officers to work loss prevention in their stores. Those officers, whether security or off duty police, are allowed to use force one step above what the suspect is using to resist, on the level of force scale. There are 5 steps in the level of force, btw. This is coming from a prior security officer, prior law enforcement officer, former corrections officer, and prior military personnel.

cazziuz1983 9

no legally they can not ,at least in my state of KY

Darebearius 7

OP states this person did not have any lawful power to detain. Instating a counterargumement claiming grocery store security pertains lawful authority on par with official police and military personnel is futile, for OP has made clear in their comment this individual did not have those rights. In addition to that, the situation itself was unethical; Therfore, the judge recognized it and utilized as a valid argument for OP's case. This entire situation would not have played out if what you are saying is true. It's unlawful arrest: One can't detain an innocent person on account of suspicion. I understand naturally being on the side of security and law enforcement due to your background and life experiences; However, this is not a situation where authority figures are on the good or lawful side.

Actually, no, you aren't allowed to assault someone because you think they look suspicious. This guard had absolutely no proof and just yelled at/grabbed her stuff because of how she looked. That's never ok. Even police aren't allowed to search your stuff without a warrant. He should get locked up or at least fired for this.

deathtiki 10

Would like to know what state you work in cause news flash the state you’re in matters a lot, the loss prevention personnel in the justification I live in can’t do anything more than ask you to come with them

I never once said the officer handled things properly. What I said was they are allowed to detain people, and are allowed to defend themselves, as well as use force as necessary to enable the detainment. Voice commands are the second step in the level of force chain. If voice commands do not work, then the suspect is resisting. The next step would then be empty hand controls, no weapons, etc. The five steps in the level of force continuum are recognized nationwide in the United States. Loss prevention officers do not arrest people, they detain them, unless that loss prevention officer is also a law enforcement officer, then they can make the arrest.

In most states it's not stealing until you walk out of the door. If you were inside, they can't stop you.

She stated she was on her way out of the store. If she had passed the final point of payment, she can be stopped. Not saying the guard handled things properly, but yes, she could be detained for suspicion of theft.

It's not stealing if you have paid for the product, even if you're carrying it in your purse or your pocket. She said that she BOUGHT them, as in "paid for them." She had to use one as soon as possible, because it was an emergency. Period.

As I stated, not saying the guard handled things properly. That being said, again, if the guard saw her conceal the items, and she passed the final point of payment, as I stated, then he can stop her for suspicion of theft, ask for a receipt, etc. Once she shows the receipt, and a short explanation of what happened, then she would be able to go on about her day. Let me say this again for the people too slow to grasp it.... I never once said the guard was in the right! In fact, I said quite the opposite.

He’s not allowed to do that. I work security and he made a bad call. You can go after him for that

I'm not a litigious person at all, but in this case, I think you should sue both him and the store he works for.

Sheogorath 4

At least you got your tampons. My parents go up north hunting and left me at home to go to school and mom left me her bank card in case I needed anything. So I went to cvs to get milk and tampons and they refused to take the card. Ok fine. Went to the bank down the road, got the cash out and they still refused to sell to me. I was 15. I didn't really need the milk. But damn it I needed the tampons. That was also the only time in 4 years that I used my mom's card. After that I made sure I had everything I needed before they left. That person was an ass.

zeffra13 31

Why on earth would they decide they shouldn't sell you tamons?? That's awful!

This is why I always have spare pads in my purse just in case.