By yearbook369 - 25/06/2011 04:31 - United States

Today, my school year book awarded "cutest couple" to my boyfriend and I. We broke up yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 009
You deserved it 5 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Become crazed with obsession, copy and plaster the photo all over his car. Follow him around all day, every day. He's sure to want you back.


BeachSurfer94 0

you see and this is why highschool year books are so stupid

Re: #4 and your 41 replies: I am ashamed to live in a country where the majority of students graduate high school without understanding and using proper English grammar. My friends in graduate school even make these mistakes. I fear for the fate of the written English language.

Guitar360 4

thats gotta suck but if you were the cutest couple in the whole school i think u were meant to be

MacyPompeo1 0

lol that happened 2 me to but my bf and I are still dating.

Bamvytar 0

Ouch. But as the wise ones say, this too, shall pass.

thats nothing. our yearbook awarded " liveliest" to a kid that died. :(

Maan these romance fml's are always sad :/