By Anonymous - 20/03/2013 02:52 - United States - Saint Cloud

Today, my sink seemed to be filling up with dirty water. Concerned, I turned on the garbage disposal and plunged away. With no change in the water levels, I called a plumber. He reached in, pulled out the drain plug, and give me his bill while chuckling to himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 093
You deserved it 45 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, plumbers are used to all sorts of crap.

SharnaaaBanana 22

Haha wow. We all do stupid things from time to time :)


Probably broke your garbage disposal in the process so the plumbers coming back and you're entertaining him twice!

I'm pretty sure I've heard a blonde joke that went something like that.

How does one not notice a plug when one is using a plunger on said hole?

Silver_89 9

The FML says the sink was full of dirty water so OP couldn't see the drain and probably just put the plunger where they thought the drain was.

This facepalm moment is up there alone with calling the repairman when your refrigerator stopped working-- only to find out it's because it's not plugged in. :P

We have all Ben there, or will have our moment if we haven't already. I once had my mother in law call because her sound wasn't working on her computer. After asking and her assuring me that the speakers were plugged in and on, I went into trouble shooting mode only to hear my father in law ask her about 10 minutes later why the speakers weren't plugged in.

really??? never checked the drain first to see if something was in the way?

When people call Americans dumb they're talking about people like you.