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The Thin White Duke

By DJ Clitter - 16/04/2012 19:35 - United States

Today, I was in the car with my daughter when I narrowly missed hitting a car after running a stop sign. After she screamed at me and demanded to know what I was doing, I had to admit that I'd been daydreaming about David Bowie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 104
You deserved it 33 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not only did you almost endanger your daughter, you almost endangered other drivers. People like you don't deserve to have your license.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

I don't blame you. David Bowie's one sexy beast ;)


the_enigma1019 1
Nightwing98 22

Doesn't matter, had daydream sex.

arkumx 3

I can't tell you how many near misses I've been in cuz David Bowie and/or Prince.

NoFeet 4

What's sad is that he's a guy... Guys daydreaming about guys isn't exactly normal.

hellbilly205 17

Anyone else find OP's name funny? And on another note you didn't HAVE to tell her that you were you could've lied about it

Guys, guys, guys! You're all missing the point! The reason it is an FML because her DAD had to admit to his daughter that he was daydreaming about David Bowie... ANOTHER GUY!!

dsbs 9

Take your protein pills and put your helmet on

Good ol' dad must have seen Bowie's bulge in Labyrinth...

Andr913 13

David Bowie is very sexy but why on Earth would you admit to your daughter that? You could've just said you weren't thinking straight.

"weren't thinking straight" .. and he's a man thinking about another man. I like the pun, even though it may be unintentional.

You sound about as bad as the damn 80 year old drivers.

FerdieJ 3

Did you mean 'like 80% of all drivers'? It's not just me that thinks no one can drive right? I mean, it aint that hard, you point in the right direction, put your foot on the gas and let other people know what you're doing. Right?

116 - People panic and do stupid things - we all do it.

Not only did you almost endanger your daughter, you almost endangered other drivers. People like you don't deserve to have your license.

p3mguin 7

Lucky there wasn't a cop around the corner, my luck there would.

At least let her near death experience not be in be in vain. Bad mom!

if she died listening to David Bowie, her death will take her to a beautiful place. *tear*

I couldn't figure out how this was an FML until I saw that. How embarrassing.

Bowie is male, but he was so avante-garde in his art and style that he was purely genderless in face. you cant blame ANYONE for fantasizing. besides, who said OP was dreaming of sex? he could have been reminiscing on a drug induced haze he was in at a concert.

can't count the number of times I've heard a guy say "yeah I'm straight but I wouldn't mind having a go with David Bowie..."

linkinpark98 23

People, OP is a guy. Not a woman.

shh. hush. don't make it easier for them to attempt masking their ignorance and allow them to be their stupid fuckhat selves.

94- What, so everyone who didn't notice OP's gender is an ignorant stupid fuckhat? Cool.

TheEpicMilkMan 13
Mademoiselle_fml 34

I don't blame you. David Bowie's one sexy beast ;)

cc_the_beast 6

Doesn't change the fact that Bowie is a sexy, sexy man.

GreenAppleDP 0

A sexy man with a sexy voice.

nofearjenshere 12

102 - I'm not gay, but I'd do Bowie in an instant. And my girlfriend would understand.

slimjim8094 12

111, I'm pretty sure "I'd have sex with a man" and "I'm not gay" are mutually exclusive.

bfsd42 20

I agree with 111. Finding Bowie attractive does not equal gay.

MsMeiriona 2

Indeed. Bowie overrides sexuality. Man, woman, doesn't matter. Bowie

Obviously he isn't ugly to her. Your opinion isn't the same as everyone elses.