By Anonymous - 20/03/2013 02:52 - United States - Saint Cloud

Today, my sink seemed to be filling up with dirty water. Concerned, I turned on the garbage disposal and plunged away. With no change in the water levels, I called a plumber. He reached in, pulled out the drain plug, and give me his bill while chuckling to himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 093
You deserved it 45 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, plumbers are used to all sorts of crap.

SharnaaaBanana 22

Haha wow. We all do stupid things from time to time :)


Hate to point this out, but the plunger should have dislodged the plug...

He just showed you how rewarding the prestigious job of plumbing is, what a classy character.

Seems a bit sexist to imply one woman's brain-fart can or should speak for the reputation of all women. Hmm...

AzKoldAzICE 3

Lol well at least you made his day one might funnier

Michael_92 20

I didn't even notice this was a chick u til you said something. Quite frankly who cares the sex of the person doing it. It just doesn't matter. I think you'll find YOU are the one being sexist, not anyone else.

So let me get this straight: you not only didn't notice the gender icon on the FML, but you also completely missed the entire point of the comment I was replying to? Namely that the OP is somehow ruining the reputation of all women? Maybe you should try reading a book without pop up flaps sometime and get back to us when you have some reading comprehension.

I have this desire to say "You're kidding aren't you?". But I too have managed to pull some pretty dumb stunts in my lifetime too. Hopefully you can afford the plumbers charges and you have a pretty damn funny story to tell if a party ever gets dull.

Plumbers can be arrogant a**holes. Just try to forget about it.