By anonymous1 - 14/06/2009 00:43 - United States

Today, my sister and I got fitted for bridesmaid's dresses. It was pretty sheer material, so I took off my bright pink thong and left it on the changing room hanger. As I was looking at myself in the mirror, a woman came out of the room holding my thong. She had tried it on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 677
You deserved it 11 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gingermonster16 0

Eww that's vile. For the both of you.

Why would someone try on a random pair of undies left in a fitting room.... Wouldn't you notice that they are used?? At least you noticed that she tried them in. Imagin her wearing them and leaving them where she found it o.o


Agreed with #74 for sure. That is disgusting and inconsiderate to other customers that you would try on a dress without your underwear on.

I don't udnerstand how this happened. First of all, YDI for leaving it on the hanger, that is so unhygenic I don't want to go try on clothes holding hangers they may have had used underwear on it. Secondly, that woman who went into a changing room that was in use and actually tried on your underwear is even more disgusting for having no common sense and trying on undergarmet apparel that is as intimate as a thong- so this is also an FML- I clicked both.

Never ******* take your panties off to try shit on. No matter what it is. I don't care what excuse you have. It was the nastiest shit to deal with working in clothing retail. You disgust me, and YDI.

ditzystef 0

Fake. Why would a place that sells bridesmaid's dresses sell thongs? Why would anyone try something that doesn't have any tags on?

#72, actually most lingerie stores have a policy that says you can try on the panties as long as you wear your own underneath. I still would never but just saying.

ewww thats really groos. imm sorry for youuu loll :[

Rob731 0

Ya, If I were you I wouldnt put those on again.....I hope u Commandoed it homeee for your sake

jnic 0

Uh... how do you know she tried it on? Did she SAY she did? Maybe she was cleaning the stall up or something.